Texas SandFest 2021

Side-by-side photo of a little girl with a pink face painting strawberry and a woman painting that girl's face
A man carries his toddler daughter on his shoulders and they pose atop a large sand mountain carved with an eagle
Noahs ark sand sculpture with only dogs in the boat, "Noahs Bark".
A young girl is pushed on the beach in a large-wheeled wheelchair
Halloween Haunted House Sand Sculpture with jack o lanterns and ghosts coming out of the top window.
Sand sculpture of child holding mans mouth in a smile.
Skull sand sculpture with flames coming through it.
2021 Texas SandFest Concert
Sand Sculpture city that is made of flowers.
Sand sculpture of a women wiht a hole in the middle of ther head showing a smaller version of her.
Man Working on Sand Sculpture
Large couch made of sand with a person sitting on top.
A man stands under a food kiosk that reads lemonade
Sand sculpture that says "let freedom reign" with an eagle behind it.
Clock sculpture made of sand.
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Side-by-side photo of a little girl with a pink face painting strawberry and a woman painting that girl's face
A man carries his toddler daughter on his shoulders and they pose atop a large sand mountain carved with an eagle
Noahs ark sand sculpture with only dogs in the boat, "Noahs Bark".
A young girl is pushed on the beach in a large-wheeled wheelchair
Halloween Haunted House Sand Sculpture with jack o lanterns and ghosts coming out of the top window.
Sand sculpture of child holding mans mouth in a smile.
Skull sand sculpture with flames coming through it.
2021 Texas SandFest Concert
Sand Sculpture city that is made of flowers.
Sand sculpture of a women wiht a hole in the middle of ther head showing a smaller version of her.
Man Working on Sand Sculpture
Large couch made of sand with a person sitting on top.
A man stands under a food kiosk that reads lemonade
Sand sculpture that says "let freedom reign" with an eagle behind it.
Clock sculpture made of sand.