Todd Pangborn

Driven by a need to desire and create, Todd turned that need into a mechanical design and Engineering career spanning over 40 years. After that need was satisfied, he turned his attention to the desire. The desire, coupled with restlessness, turned into a 17-year-long sand sculpting affair. It wasn't quick and he wasn't always sure it would flourish but he liked how it made him feel when he accomplished something new and saw the expressions on spectators' faces as they admired his artwork. Those feelings kept the drive alive and pushed him to keep pursuing the dream. After a brief courtship as an advanced amateur filled with success, learning, and building his confidence, he stepped into the world of master sand sculptor in 2014 with the full support of his understanding wife and 2 daughters. Even though he is self-taught, his passion for art and the desire to create keeps pushing him forward. However, sand sculpting is still just a part-time endeavor that gives him a much-needed break from his typical day as a Mechanical Engineer. Todd is also an award-winning wood carver making wall hanging art as well as full sculptural carvings which are available for purchase. He hopes to expand his wood carving and sand sculpting into retirement activities shortly. His woodcarvings and sand sculptures can be found on Instagram and Facebook.

Facebook: Todd Pangborn Sculpture Art

Instagram: Todd Pangborn Sculpture Art

Todd Pangborn

Todd Pangborn

Todd Pangborn

Todd Pangborn