Matti Bradshaw
Leiden Conservation Whooping Crane Biologist
Matti Bradshaw works for the International Crane Foundation in the Texas office as the Leiden Conservation Whooping Crane Biologist. She started in January 2023 and has since been conducting research on Whooping Cranes in the Aransas-Wood Buffalo Population. Her role primarily focuses on research and monitoring of Whooping Cranes in Texas during the wintering period. Although much of her work takes place in Texas, she has conducted aerial surveys on the Red River, Cimarron River, and Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge during migration and assisted with fieldwork on the breeding grounds in Wood Buffalo National Park. Matti received her Bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Conservation and Ecology from Texas A&M University and is currently finishing her Master’s degree in Rangeland and Wildlife Management at Texas A&M University – Kingsville.
Talk: The Annual Cycle of Whooping Cranes and the Landscapes They Traverse
Every year, Whooping Cranes in the Aransas-Wood Buffalo Population migrate 2,500 miles between their wintering grounds on the Texas coast and their breeding grounds in Wood Buffalo National Park. From wetlands in the boreal forests of Canada to tallgrass prairies in the Great Plains during migration, and saltmarshes on the coast, Whooping Cranes utilize a diverse range of habitats throughout their annual cycle to meet their needs. During this journey, Whooping Cranes are met with many challenges as they traverse each season. Habitat loss of areas used on migration and during winter is currently one of the greatest threats to Whooping Cranes. Please join us for a discussion on the annual cycle of Whooping Cranes and the landscapes they traverse along the way.