
Find what makes you Happy

Port Aransas has gorgeous beaches that stretch for miles along the Gulf of Mexico. Do things like sandcastle building, surfing, or get family portraits taken. The activities are as endless as the oceans surrounding the sandy shores of the island. 

Make a Splash

Get more than just your feet wet! Cool off from the Texas heat and dive into fun when you head to the beaches of Port Aransas. Get a view from the sky when you try parasailing. See everything from dolphins diving through waves to ships passing through the channel. Hang ten and surf the radical waves of the Gulf of Mexico, whether you are a seasoned professional or a newbie you can have a good time riding the waves. Grab your floaty and swim around in the waves, you don’t have to work hard to have a good time on this beach. Feel the cool water wash over you as you float through the sea and enjoy some fun under the Texas sun.

Hit the Sand

Fun at the beach doesn’t stop when you get out of the water, there is fun to be had on the sandy shores. Get creative and try your hand at sandcastle building. Find shells and decorate your new castle on the coast, but look out for the seaweed dragons that wash ashore looking for the princess in your sandy tower. Create works of art in the sand like a swimming sea turtle or a sun-soaked mermaid. Your options are end, the only rule is to have fun!

Light up the Night

Just because the sun is going down doesn’t mean that your beach day has to end. Grab your marshmallows, gram crackers, and your favorite chocolate, and let the fun begin. Light a bonfire on the beach and share old tales of pirates sailing the seas in search of treasure while you make new memories with friends and family. Enjoy a cocktail by the firelight and disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Enjoy the quiet beauty of a night on the Port Aransas beach.

Take a Picture it will Last Longer

One, two, three, smile for the camera! Amazing photographers are waiting to capture your family portraits on the sunny shores of Port Aransas. Book a sunrise shoot and capture the sun filling the sky as you and your family fill the beach. Spend a romantic sunset on the beach with your partner and capture the romance that will fill the salty air. Capture memories to keep with you forever on your island getaway.