The 2024 Festival
February 22–25, 2024
Each year since 1996, the Whooping Crane Festival in Port Aransas, Texas has celebrated the annual return of the cranes to their wintering habitat at the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge. In 2024, the festival is back and ready to celebrate its 27th anniversary!
The four-day event will feature renowned speakers, birding trips, boating trips, nature tours, photography workshops, a trade show, and much more.
Get Tickets Here!
Whoop it up!
Every winter, Whooping Cranes make the long journey from northwestern Canada and central Wisconsin to winter along the Gulf Coast of Texas and a few other southeastern parts of the United States. Standing five feet tall and boasting a wingspan of 7.5 feet, they are quite a majestic sight. Nearing extinction in 1942, there were less than 25 Whooping Cranes in the world. Named after their “whooping” sound, an estimated 536 Whooping Cranes wintered in Texas in 2022 and 2023 returning to their favorite warm vacation spot every year. After an interesting courtship dance and a distinct duet, Whooping Cranes settle down with their partner and mate for life. Port Aransas is a winter spot for a family of Whoopers that can be seen in the marshlands of the Nature Preserve at Charlie’s Pasture or at the Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center snatching up blue crabs or other crustaceans and small fish.
Click here for the 2024 Whooping Crane Festival Schedule.
Book Your Festival Stay
Need A Place To Stay? Check Out These Host Hotels!
These host hotels have generously donated rooms to the Whooping Crane Festival that have made it possible for so many esteemed speakers and guides to come to Port Aransas for the festival. We are grateful for their support, and highly recommend you consider staying with them during Whooping Crane Festival or anytime you come stay in Port A!
Seashell Village Resort
- 502 E. Avenue G
Alister Square Inn
- 122 S. Alister St.
Tropic Island Resort
- 315 Cut Off Rd.
Best Western Port Aransas
- 400 E. Avenue G
Executive Keys
- 800 Access Rd. 1A
The Tarpon Inn
- 200 E. Cotter Ave.
Lively Beach
- 138 Zahn Rd
Angler's Court
- 403 N. Alister St.
The Place Hotel
- 445 W. Cotter Ave.
Thank You To The 2024 Whooping Crane Festival Sponsors!
Audubon Texas
Fox Pest Control
L&F Distributors
Land, Sea & Sky
Becker Vineyards
Texas Parks & Wildlife
Fly It! Port A Kite Shop