National Clean Beaches Week

National Clean Beaches Week is fast approaching, so here are 5 tips on how you can show the Port Aransas beach some TLC in honor of the week!


Keep Your Trash Out of the Sand

It's no coincidence that National Clean Beaches Week coincides with the Fourth of July. According to the Clean Beaches Coalition, the Fourth of July has the highest amount of trash litter in America. In recent years there has been a major influx of beachgoers looking to celebrate the Fourth, and with them came some major amounts of trash discarded along the beach. One way you can show your pride for America is by using the reusable yellow trash bags located along the beach. Remember: trash belongs in the can, not the sand!


Sign Up for a Beach Cleanup

One of the best parts about National Clean Beaches Week is that it’s a reminder that anyone can help keep the beach clean! There are many volunteer opportunities in Port Aransas to help keep the beach clean, like Flynn’s Beach Squad. Flynn’s Beach Squad is a biweekly beach clean-up that meets every Monday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 10:30 am. Because the Squad meets twice a week, visitors and locals of all ages are welcome to sign up for whichever day works best for their schedule. And the best part is trash grabbers and reusable yellow bags will be available for use during the cleanups, so all you need to bring is some water, sunscreen, and comfortable clothing! 

Want to sign up for a Flynn’s Beach Squad day? Click here!

Infographic depicting 5 ways trash in the ocean affects all life.

Make Some Noise


One of the best ways to help keep trash off the beach is to spread awareness about the best trash disposal practices. Some of these practices include taking a reusable trash bag with you on beach outings or reducing your single-use plastic product waste by opting for more sustainable options. One great way to spread awareness is to share online about the effects of trash on our oceans and beaches. For example, according to the University of Texas Marine Science Institute (UTMSI), “On average, 500 tons of marine debris are removed from Texas Beaches each year.” That’s A LOT of trash. And though a large portion of that trash is washed up from all over the world via ocean currents, it’s important to note that people can cut down the numbers by being more trash conscious. 


To the left are a few facts about marine debris to help you start conversations about being more trash conscious!





Reassess Your Own Trash Habits

One great way to reflect on your trash habits is by looking at where and how you spend your money. Opting to shop at more environmentally-conscious companies and purchasing items with less packaging or products that are made with sustainable materials can be great for reducing the amount of waste you produce. By reducing the amount of waste generated in the first place, Port A visitors and community members can prevent it from becoming litter on our beautiful beaches. Additionally, it's essential to properly dispose of your trash in designated containers, both at the beach and in your everyday life. Take the extra step to find recycling bins and separate your recyclables from general waste. Making small changes here and there adds up and can turn the tide in a big way!


Infographic with a checklist of items to do after a beach dayWhen in Doubt, Leave No Trace!


“Leave No Trace” isn’t just reserved for national parks, you can practice it anywhere! Whether you're lounging under the sun, searching for pirate treasure, or building a sandcastle, it's crucial to leave the beach just as pristine as you found it, if not better. A great place to start is by making sure to properly pack up after a fun day at the beach. You can use this free Post-Beach Day Checklist to help you remember to leave no trace!

Let's make it a collective effort to leave the beach in a better state than we found it. Together, all can foster a culture of environmental stewardship and make a lasting positive impact on coastal ecosystems.