Lighted Boat Parade Sign-Up Form

The Lighted Boat Parade will take place on Saturday, December 14, 2024, from 6 to 7 p.m. All boat entries are due on or before December 10, 2024. Email or call (361) 749-5919 with any questions.

Entry Rules:

  1. All vessels must meet State and Federal safety requirements.
  2. Only engine-powered vessels are permitted to participate.
  3. Captains and owners are responsible for the safe and prudent operation of their vessel and accept responsibility for damages or injuries caused by them or their vessel.
  4. There will be a People’s Choice Award for best decorated and lit vessel. A $250 donation will be in the winner’s honor to both the EMS Toy Round Up and the Helping Hands Food Pantry.

Immediately following the parade there will be a drone show over the marina. Parade participants are encouraged to stay on board until after the drone show (approximately 15 minutes).

Mandatory Captain's Meeting

A mandatory captain's meeting for participating boats will be held Saturday, December 14, at 10 a.m. Rob Philips will lead this meeting in the big pavilion at the Harbor Master's office in Roberts Point Park. Captains will learn the route for the parade, which boat will lead the parade, and will receive their boat number for judging purposes.

Lighted Boat Parade Entry Form 2024

* Indicates a required field.