Justin Gordon
Justin Gordon, from Groveland, MA, has been a self-taught sculptor and wood carver since 1974 and professionally since 1991. Justin now sculpts in 8 mediums: ice, snow, clay, wax, stone, foam, wood, and sand. Sand sculpting has taken Justin from Oman and Kuwait to Taiwan, England, and all over the US and Canada. He still does the Hampton Beach Masters Sand Sculpting Competition in NH. Justin has also done giant-scale tree carvings using chainsaws and chisels for Storyland in NH and private commissions throughout New England. Justin mostly concentrates on sand sculpting and wood carvings of architectural carved elements, custom clock cases, gun stocks, and figurative sculptures from fine art to caricatures and bronzing. He’s also a member of the New England Wood Carvers, the New England Sculptors Association, the Newburyport Art Association, the Rockport Art Association, and the museum. He has been teaching wood carving in Groveland since 1996. See more of Justin’s portfolio at: www.ElwinDesigns.com