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Lucinda Wierenga

South Padre Island, Texas, USA

Lucinda has won a modest amount of international fame with her sandsculpting skills, carving at major contests and festivals world over since 1987. She has taught generations of Texans how to build a better sandcastle—and has reached untold numbers more with three “how-to” sandcastle books. She is currently working on a fourth. Lucinda helped establish South Padre Island Sandcastle Days’ masters contest in 1987, and has either run it or participated in it every year since. 

Lucinda’s company, Sandy Feet Sandcastle Services, has organized and created large, multi-sculpture exhibits all over Texas, including the South Padre Island Holiday Sandcastle Village, which is an ever-changing sand sculpture gallery featuring the works of some of the most talented artists on the planet. 

Sand sculpture showing an arch, the inside of which is filled with a tree and roots. On top of the arch is a woman.

Sand sculpture showing a guitar standing straight up. At the top of the guitar, instead of what's usually there, there's a woman's head. Her body flows down behind the guitar